Latest News from Rally Fitness

CrossFit Training: Helping Heavy Metal Make a Comeback

Weightlifting with Rally Fitness

The popularity of CrossFit training is having and unintended consequence: a resurgence in interest of the sport of weightlifting. What many experts are calling the greatest American weightlifting team in history competed in the World Weightlifting Championships in Anaheim, California from November 28 – December 7, 2017, and they represented the country in fine fashion.

Click here for the results of the World Weightlifting Championship.

Many of these weightlifting athletes are social media stars. Martha “Mattie” Rogers videos on Twitter and her Instagram site continue to rack up millions of downloads, and she’s not just a pretty face. According to recent news coverage “she owns all of the American records in her weight class and in a first for her sport, was included this year on the Sports Illustrated list of “Fittest 50 Females.”

Also in this contingent of lifters are Sarah Robles, who earned a bronze medal in the 2016 Olympics, Colin Burns a gold medalist in the Pan Am Games this past summer and 16-year old C.J. Cummings who is the current reining youth world champion in his weight class. Cummings is the first American in more than 40 years to set a senior division world record. He weighs only 152 pounds and lifted more than 407 pounds over his head.

Understanding the Sport of Weightlifting

Snatch Lift CrossFit

Traditionally, weight lifting has not been as popular in the United States as it is in such countries as Columbia, Iran and South Korea. This was due in part to the lack of understanding about the sport. Olympic weight lifting consists exclusively of two weightlifting events: the snatch and the clean-and-jerk. In both events, the competitor lifts a weighted barbell from the ground to overhead. It sounds simple, but it is far from it!

According to USA Weightlifting, the snatch is a single continuous movement. The athlete takes a wide grip on the bar and propels the weight upwards with his/her legs by standing violently. At the top of the bar’s trajectory (about chest high), the athlete quickly reverses direction, dropping under the bar to catch it in a full squat, with arms locked and then stands!

The clean-and-jerk involves two actions. For the “clean” the lifter takes a shoulder-wide grip on the barbell and stands, using his/her legs to drive the bar upwards to about chest height, at which juncture he/she drops under it, catching the bar on their shoulders before standing. In order to “jerk” the bar over the head, the athlete dips straight down and using his/her legs, pushes the bar up. The lifter then quickly splits their legs forward and back so as to catch the barbell at its apex. Arms are locked and the lifter stands with the weight over his/her head.

CrossFit Training is Driving Interest in Weightlifting

Most weightlifting coaches credit the popularity of CrossFit training for teaching many new people the proper technique for a move like the clean-and-jerk lift. In a Wall Street Journal article on this subject, it was noted that “Between the 2012 and the 2016 Olympic Games, membership in USA Weightlifting more than doubled from 11,000 to 26,000. Because of CrossFit, which incorporates the lifts, many hundreds of thousands of others are now engaged in weightlifting as a part of their exercise (WOD) routine.”

Even the glitzy “retail” workout facilities such as Life Time Fitness and Equinox have begun installing Olympic lifting equipment in their facilities because their customers are asking for it.

CrossFit Weightlifting

The fact that these lifts have been a part of the functional training of CrossFit since its beginning certainly enhances the “word-of-mouth” about weightlifting and has encouraged many parents to encourage their children to take up the sport. With proper instruction, the possibility of injury from concussions or other accidents from weightlifting are far less than football or soccer.

Weightlifting is also a great fitness regime for older athletes. Fitness experts note that weightlifting targets the parts of the body that tend to degrade with age. The sport improves strength, particularly in the legs, which is a good predictor of longevity, and core which is also critical to maintaining strength at any age. Weightlifting also improves flexibility, balance, stability and overall motor control.

Do you use weightlifting in your exercise program? If so, what has been your experience? Contact us and let us know.

If you want more information about purchasing free weights for your gym, click here.

New Army Fitness Test OPAT Takes its Cue from CrossFit

Special Forces CrossFit workout

The U.S. Army is pilot-testing a new way to measure the fitness of soldiers and it looks a LOT like a CrossFit class. The six-event test measures functional fitness and has no adjustment for gender. They are Occupational Physical Assessment Test, or also known as OPAT.

According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, the proposed test known as the “Army Combat Readiness Test” (ACRT), seeks to “encourage more practical physical training and prevent injury in a force frequently deployed around the world. It also reflects a U.S. military where all combat jobs are now open to women: The proposed test would have one set of passing standards, with no adjustments for age or gender.”

Officials who manage the physical training of Army personnel have been concerned about the relative fitness of this fighting force for several years. “When you look at fitness, we’re having some challenges right now,” says Maj. Gen. Malcolm Frost, commanding general of the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training. Tens of thousands of soldiers aren’t deployable because of injuries, many caused by poor physical fitness.

The soldiers who belong to the elite forces of the U.S. military such as Navy SEALS and Army Green Berets have a long history with CrossFit training and apparently the physical instructors of the Army have been taking notice of this. It is not a stretch to say that anyone who endures a weekly CrossFit workout – man or woman – would pass this proposed fitness test.

The Current Test is Based on Aerobics

The current Army test got its impetus from the aerobics boom of the 1980’s. This was also a time when many “Cold-War” leaders felt that ground combat was obsolete.

Fitness experts note that this current test, which includes timed push-ups and sit-ups and a two-mile run, and is taken twice a year is only about 40 percent predictive of a soldier’s ability to complete tasks necessary for combat.  The proposed ACRT test is about 80 percent predictive.

The article notes that in order to pass the current test, soldiers must score 60 points in each of three categories: push-ups, sit-ups and a timed two-mile run. The test awards points on a sliding scale based on a soldier’s age and gender (except in sit-ups, where the male and female standards are identical). For instance, a 22- to 26-year-old man must do 40 push-ups in two minutes to pass that event. A 22- to 26-year-old woman can pass with 17 push-ups.

The Proposed OPAT is Considerably More Challenging

The proposed test will require both genders to be functionally fit in order to pass. CrossFit athletes will certainly recognize these “events” from their WOD’s.

Event #1 - Dead Lift

Deadlift with Barbell

Soldiers line up behind rows of barbells loaded with weights ranging from 125 pounds to 425 pounds. Each soldier picks one of the barbells and performs three dead lifts.

Event #2 – A Reverse Throw of a 10-pound Weight

This throw is measured for distance and seems awkward to some soldiers. However, it serves a purpose. It mimics a boosting move that’s “exactly how we get people into buildings,” says Col. Dale Snider in the Journal article. The 49-year-old has been deployed four times to combat zones.

Event #3 – A New Push-Up

The Army notes that the proposed new push-up requires lowering all the way to the ground and extending one’s arms in a T between repetitions. The T push-up is easier to monitor in testing, Army leaders say and is much more difficult to perform.

Event #4 – 250 Meter Shuttle with 90-Pound Sled and Kettlebells

Army Pulling Sleds in CrossFit workout

This event, which every CrossFit trainer has included in his/her regimen at one time or another, requires the soldier to alternately sprint, dragging a 90-pound sled and carrying two 40-pound kettlebells. Many in the test have noted that this is one of the toughest as far a muscle fatigue.

Event #5 – The Leg Tuck

This leg tuck, the fifth event in the proposed test, requires lifting knees or thighs to elbows while hanging from a pull-up bar. The article noted that some soldiers struggled to do more than a handful of reps.

Event #6 – The Two-Mile Run

The proposed test ends with a timed two-mile run. This is the only event identical to one in the current test.

Functional Training is Coming…and Soon

According to the Occupational Physical Assessment Test, some of the fighting forces have gotten fat as the Army reports that about 17 percent of its soldiers are obese. This rate has risen (from 13 percent) from the previous year and is about half the overall obesity rate of all U.S. civilians. Clearly, the leaders of the Army feel these numbers are going the wrong way and they plan on doing something about this.

The report noted that change could come as soon as 2018. If adopted, the ACRT would complement or replace the current fitness test in the next few years. “The proposed test is part of a move toward a more comprehensive approach to training and maintaining the Army’s 1 million soldiers. It comes amid high demands on the Army world-wide, shrinking pool of people eligible for military service and a shift in the civilian fitness industry (such as CrossFit) toward free-weight and functional training.”

Are you in the military service and use CrossFit to keep in shape? Contact us and let us know.
October 27, 2017


The Crossfit Clean and Jerk

If you’re a CrossFit enthusiast looking to develop total-body fitness, then perfecting the clean and jerk should be mission #1. To tackle one of the most common Olympic-style lifts you’ll have to work at combining the CrossFit clean and jerk into one seamless movement. The key to do this is to use the correct form and only lift what you are comfortable with. When done properly done, the CrossFit clean and jerk can be a great addition to any workout. Watch the below video for a clean and jerk how-to.


The Clean

You may want to tape your wrists to stabilize them during the lift and use gymnastics chalk on your hands to prevent slippage. Gently place the appropriate amount of weights on either side of the barbell. Be sure the weights are secure onto the barbell before proceeding. Grip the barbell with your thumb tucked under your index finger. Your middle and ring fingers should form a hook grip. Place your feet directly under your hips and position your shoulders in front of the barbell, with the barbell positioned over your feet.

Keeping your chest up and arms straight, pull the barbell off of the ground. Your feet should be flat on the floor during this entire movement. With your weight shifting from the middle of your foot to your heels, extend your torso and hips and continue to pull the barbell up vertically. When the barbell is 2/3rds of the way up toward your thigh, fully extend through your hips, touching the barbell to your thigh.

Using a shoulder shrugging motion, push the barbell upward. Then, drop your hips into a squatting position, catching the barbell in the rack position. The bar may set on top of your chest and shoulders. Stand up and out of the squatted position to prepare for the jerk.

The Jerk

Before doing the jerk, you may need to readjust your feet and your grip on the barbell. Making sure your hands and feet are apart, slightly wider than your shoulders, drop your hips to build up enough kinetic energy for the jerk. Next, drive your legs upward forcefully, without hesitation to generate enough energy and force for the jerk. Now the barbell should be over your head, hips dropped and in a quarter-like squat position. To release the barbell, stand up out of the squatted position and drop the barbell when your feet have come together and when your hips are fully extended.

Mastering the clean and jerk is easier said than done. It is always best to practice this movement only with certified CrossFit clean and jerk specialists. Doing any of the steps incorrectly could cause damage to your body. For more Workout Advice & Latest News, follow our Rally Fitness blog.
October 23, 2017


CrossFit Rock Solid - How to Get Started

Welcome to the CrossFit Rock Solid family! Joining CrossFit is more than a workout regime, it’s a commitment to healthy living and being part of a supportive workout community. Whether you’ve already had your first, intense CrossFit rock solid session or planning to hit the ground running soon, it is important to set your expectations and goals appropriately so you can achieve the greatest level of success.


Here are the top three things to get you started and working your way to having a rock solid CrossFit body.

  • Commit to a diet. Many CrossFitters choose to follow a Paleo diet or something similar. Assuming you do not have any dietary restrictions that would prevent you from following a low-carb, high-protein diet, then getting your mindset ready to take on a new way of eating is key. If you’re not sure which diet to follow, try cutting back on your fat and carb intake gradually over time. This way the change will feel more subtle and you may be able to maintain it longer than just quitting carbs “cold turkey”.
  • Schedule your workouts and stick to it. As with any long-term goal or lifestyle change, you have to be prepared to attend workouts, follow your eating plan and keep up with exercise regimes outside of CrossFit. You may be sore the first few sessions and even doubt if you can maintain such a rigorous workout schedule, but if you stick to it, it will pay off greatly in the end. Achieving the CrossFit rock-solid physique takes work and mental dedication, but if you want it, you can get it!
  • Get a CrossFit rock solid buddy. Do you know someone who attend CrossFit regularly? Or, perhaps you have a health nut in your life? Either way communicating your goals to others is a great way to keep you honest and working toward your exercise goals. CrossFit provides a welcoming and supportive community of health-conscious individuals that will naturally keep you motivated. But, having a friend, coworker, neighbor, or family member get in on the CrossFit fun with you can help you stay on track.
CrossFit has a host of benefits that you can only reap if you’re serious about putting in the work. Set realistic health goals for yourself and get started at your own pace. Doing too much, too soon can be just as big of a setback as not doing enough. Whether you’re hitting the CrossFit Rock Solid gym every week or doing intense workouts at home, Rally Fitness is here to help. Check out our wide selection of CrossFit equipment and resources to get started.
October 17, 2017


The Ins and Outs of Paleo and Keto With CrossFit

If you’re new to the CrossFit world, or a seasoned veteran, adjusting your diet to live a healthier lifestyle is a top priority. Traditionally CrossFitters followed a Paleo diet, but the newer Keto diet craze is sweeping CrossFit gyms across the nation. But, what is exactly is the difference between Paleo and Keto with CrossFit? And, more importantly, when should you choose a paleo regime over a keto diet with your intense CrossFit workouts.

What’s the Paleo Lifestyle?

With Paleo, the goal is to step back in time and eat how humans ate millions of years ago. The key is to tap into how our digestive system naturally evolved and to avoid processed foods. Essentially, the Paleo diet eliminates grains, high sugar foods and swaps them out for truly organic and all natural substitutes.

What you may lack in carb intake you more than make up for with high protein consumption on the Paleo lifestyle. If you’re looking to building lean muscle, then the Paleo diet paired with regular CrossFit workouts are your go-to regime.

What’s the Keto Diet?

Keto is a bit more complex than its Paleo counterpart. The Keto diet is all about ratios - high fat, protein, and zero carb intake. The goal with this lifestyle change is to induce your body to enter ketosis, a metabolic state where your body is in overdrive converting sugars in your body into energy. Eventually, with limited carb consumption, your body will be forced to breakdown ketones, the byproducts of fat, getting you into top shape faster. The hard part is that you can only enter ketosis when your body is essentially starved of glucose (sugar).

With either option, the benefits are clear - higher fat burn and increased metabolism. Whether you’re looking to become a CrossFit warrior or wanting to leave a healthier life, the Paleo and Keto diets can help you achieve your fitness goals. If you’re looking to build a consistent workout schedule and bring some CrossFit workouts into your home, check out our professional gym equipment packages.

October 10, 2017


Why CrossFit Is (Not) Bad For Your Health

The CrossFit craze has swept the nation for over eight years now, but many health experts warn that the extreme, over-the-top workouts could be bad for your health. Though the jury is still out on the final verdict, we’ll run through some common misconceptions about CrossFit and you can decide if it is a good addition to your workout routine or if it should be shelved.

CrossFit is only a workout regime. What good is any workout routine with the proper dieting and lifestyle changes? CrossFit is a form of lifestyle coaching. You’ll get a healthy serving of nutritional guidance in addition to killer workout routines designed to push your body to the limit and get you in the best shape of your life. Many CrossFit studios also offer a host of other “non-CrossFit” related exercise and wellness options too like aerobics, pilates and even mediation programs. Plus, the CrossFit community is like no other and you can benefit from the relationships you build with your trainers and other CrossFit enthusiasts. Unlike other gyms, CrossFit is designed to give you the support you need to make the lifestyle changes that will improve your health and overall wellness.

You’ll be too sore and stiff to move. Who isn’t sore after a good workout? Whether you’re training for a marathon, doing high-intensity aerobics or taking a stab at your first CrossFit workout, you’re bound to be sore. But, as your mind and body get used to the workouts, your soreness will reduce after each session. In fact, CrossFit can give you more flexibility than other workout regimes. CrossFit’s warmup and cooldown routines stretch out muscles that normally would have gone unnoticed and remained stiff. So, in reality, by working your body beyond what was possible but also being attentive to proper pre- and post-workout recommendations, CrossFit can have you feeling as limber as a gymnast.

CrossFit isn’t for strength training. Believe it or not, strength training is one of the cornerstones of CrossFit. You’ll become very familiar with lifting weights and various lifting techniques to take your fitness and strength to the next level. The CrossFit training program will get you toned and build up both your endurance and strength by using a host of different (and unique) approaches. Most CrossFit enthusiasts are shocked at the level of strength they’re able to achieve, even in a short time. The more you workout your body muscles, the stronger and healthier they’ll become.

CrossFit has a host of benefits that go well beyond flipping tires. Recent studies have even shown that CrossFit is a relatively safe program and is at the same level of health risk as gymnastics. If you’re looking for professional CrossFit equipment to get you started or to continue the workout fun at home check out Rally Fitness’ extensive collection of CrossFit must-haves here.

How to Attract and Keep Millennials Coming to Your CrossFit Gym

CrossFit Millenials

Any CrossFit box owner knows how critical it is to maintain and grow membership. Without those (rabid) fitness enthusiasts, eventually there will be no box, no matter how good the trainers, equipment and camaraderie. It is for this reason that many gym owners spend their two most precious resources – time and money – trying to attract millennials.

According to Pew Research, millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living generation, according to population estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Millennials, whom we define as those ages 18-34 in 2016, now number 75.4 million, surpassing the 74.9 million Baby Boomers (ages 51-69). And Generation X (ages 35-50 in 2015) is projected to pass the Boomers in population by 2028.

The millennial generation continues to grow as young immigrants expand its ranks. Boomers – whose generation was defined by the boom in U.S. births following World War II – are older and their numbers shrinking as the number of deaths among them exceeds the number of older immigrants arriving in the country.

Here is a breakdown of the most recent generations:

The Generations Defines

Millennials Are the Perfect Fit for CrossFit

The reason CrossFit gym owners think (a LOT) about millennials is because that they are health fanatics! More than any other group, millennials are laser focused on healthy lifestyle. This is exhibited in several ways. Their obesity rates are falling, they search out healthy foods and they demand better, more effective workouts. They are also bored easily! This mirrors the typical (if there is such an animal) CrossFit athlete.

Women’s Marketing noted, “Prior generations may have exercised in traditional gyms, but the monotony of the treadmill or stair climber doesn’t appeal to the adventurous millennial. They are avoiding exercise boredom with endurance challenges that push them to excel or small boutique-style fitness classes that offer variety and personalized service.

“A full 81 percent of millennials say they exercise regularly, but 72 percent believe that gym memberships are too expensive. Although they haven’t completely abandoned multi-purpose facilities, boutique gyms that offer specialized classes, group workouts, and a community atmosphere are growing in popularity. Dedicated micro-gyms that offer authentic experiences, service, and the ability to connect with like-minded individuals is a trend that appeals to the millennials’ desire for a unique experience.”

Understanding these motivations are keys to attracting the group to a CrossFit gym.

Tracking Success and Sharing on Social Media are Very Important

Sharing on Social Media

In addition to being highly competitive, millennials are very “social” and this has attracted them to fitness apps and a sharing of their progress on social networks such as Facebook. A savvy CrossFit gym owner is aware of this and uses social media in marketing and membership engagement.

Research has shown that fitness apps are also helping workout enthusiasts to track their workouts and share their success on social media, something that especially pleases the socially-networked millennial woman. “Among those ages 18 to 29, 24 percent had health apps on their phones. This research found that college-educated women under age 50 with an average household income of at least $75,000 are more likely than others to have downloaded at least one health app.”

The report from Women’s Marketing noted that since they are very social “that dynamic spills into every aspect of their lives—and their workouts are no exception. The popularity of fun, group exercise such as Zumba, SoulCycle, and CrossFit, that turn workouts into a social event are popular with this demographic. Competitive and team-based race participation has skyrocketed among Gen Y—Running USA reports that the number of road race finishers tripled between 1990 and 2014, with women accounting for 10.7 million finishers worldwide.”

Be Authentic

Millennials are the current “target market of the month” for lifestyle brands such as CrossFit because their numbers are so large. They have also been around long enough have an impact on both large and small businesses, and while they tend to drive their employers nuts, they are beginning to have greater earning capacity making them even more important for growing brands.

Getting the attention and retaining the loyalty of millennials for a CrossFit box is challenging, but well worth the effort. It starts with having an authentic, competitive experience in each session and a high profile social media presence. Because this group is so social, word of mouth might very well be the best advertising medium.

Do you have a CrossFit program that millennials love? Contact us and we will share with our readers.
August 20, 2017


Make Sex Gains with CrossFit

CrossFit shapes up more than bodies. It shapes up sex lives, too. If someone's not hitting it hard with CrossFit, then they’re probably not hitting it hard in the bedroom or wherever else the mood strikes. Statistics prove this. According to a Singles in America survey cited by LiveMore:

"5,000 singles, 33% of those who work out twice a week have sexual relations at least once a month. It was also determined that those who practice CrossFit proved to be the most active under the sheets: at least 45% of CrossFitters had sex monthly, and 55% of them went on at least one date during the year."

People who do CrossFit work out so intensely, they have more sex than people who do other types of regular workouts. This is because CrossFit enhances the endocrine system, which boosts testosterone in both men and women. This testosterone increase also increases the sex drive.

Additionally, Cross Fit transforms how people look, feel, and move. It improves one's overall health. Improvements in these areas translate to sexual gains because of gains in

  • self-confidence
  • emotional awareness
  • sex appeal
  • blood flow
  • flexibility
  • stamina.

There's a popular game that involves picking a famous person to spend one night with. Not many people pick a famous person who lacks desire, self-confidence, emotional awareness, sex appeal, blood flow, stamina, and flexibility. Think about it. Have you ever said, “Wow, I’d just love to spend a night with Idris Elba or Gal Gadot, if only they’d gain about fifty pounds each plus be an unsure, unresponsive, boring, cold, stiff heavy breather?"

Yeah, we didn’t think so.

Moves That Help Bust a Move

Squats play a major role in how well a person moves in the bedroom. They mimic “certain motions” and build strength because they tone the legs and backside. They also burn fat and help improve balance and posture. All of this enhances movement under the sheets. Or above them. Or next to them. Squats combined with weights add more burn. It’s time to start burning, any way possible.

The ole slam balls technique works wonders, too. (Notice there’s no “the” in that phrase!) Slam balls into the ground. Or, slam wall balls into a wall in a variety of moves to increase cardio capability and tone the whole body. Playing with balls releases a lot of stress. The sheer force of slamming balls into the floor or wall feels beyond good and puts people in the mood.

Don't Be a Tease

Give your clients what they want by making sure they can get their CrossFit freak on in your gym. Rally Fitness will show you how to make your facility a source of pleasure. Contact us today.

July 28, 2017


CrossFit: A Lifestyle That Includes a Workout

CrossFit means that the people who live the lifestyle nourish their bodies instead of just stuffing their mouths with junk. CrossFit also demands that the people in it rest so that their bodies and minds recover from the trials and tribulations of being a CrossFit athlete.

Anyone who does anything else in the program is half-assing it.

Diet and rest prove essential to progress and longevity. Without them, injuries and poor performance abound. Both bad nutrition and a lack of sleep weaken performance in other areas of life as well, like on the job or in the bedroom.

To anyone who hasn't done so already: It's time to get serious.

Eat Clean or Go Home

Abs happen in the kitchen. That’s a fact of life. Working out without eating clean might tone up some flab, leading to small gains. Maybe the people who do that wind-up looking like well-toned semi- trucks. But we’re gonna go out on a limb and say that just about nobody wants to look like a semi-truck, well-toned or not. 

 In an Eat This, Not That! piece, Perri O. Blumberg recommends that CrossFit trainees eat

  • almond butter
  • bananas
  • coconut water
  • eggs
  • oatmeal
  • sweet potatoes.

There are more suggestions. Go to the Eat This, Not That! page to learn them.

Oh, and anyone who’s new to the lifestyle may not know to avoid what’s called “gastrointestinal discomfort food” before working out. Anyone like that should do everyone in their program a favor by checking out that page for the best kinds of food to not eat before getting sweaty.

Now, a good rule of thumb for how much to eat comes from reading a piece that Jack Braniff wrote for Box Nutrition. In the piece, Braniff talks about total energy expenditure, or TEE. This means a person eats according to the energy he or she expends. TEE consists of 

  • metabolic rate
  • thermic effect of activity 
  • thermic effect of food.

Braniff simplifies it to 

                                               TEE = BMR + TEA + TEF                

To learn the details on TEE, go here.

Hit the Sack Jack, For At Least Eight

Sleep matters. A lack of sleep leads to weight gain. Extra weight causes all sorts of problems with CrossFit goals. A lack of sleep also leads to a lack of focus.

Many people underestimate the amount of sleep they need. Anyone who does CrossFit should strive for at least eight hours a night. Even a loss of thirty minutes diminishes gains.

These workouts promote sound sleep by helping to adjust hormones. This is part of the process. The human body is designed to function to maximum capacity when it eats and rests well. 

And the stronger one gets, the more workout challenges one needs. Equipement plays a big part in meeting those challenges.

Use Military Grade Equipment

Rally Fitness believes that all CrossFit programs should offer their clients equipment that supports their fitness endeavors. We offer military grade training options for CrossFit professionals to help people achieve their dreams. They're eating right and sleeping right. Let them train right, the military grade way. Contact us today to learn more.

July 18, 2017


CrossFit training ›

Enhance Your Fitness Facility's Functionality

The benefits of using a functional trainer at home are well known, but these machines also work wonders in commercial workout facilities. The flexibility of this machine is hard to beat. And it works for a cross-section of the population, the kind of people who visit

  • hotel workout rooms
  • work gyms
  • work gyms
  • school gyms
  • hospital/rehab facilities.

Let’s look at why.

Keeps You Long and Lean

The functional trainer is compact. That means you can squeeze them into small places and remove other items that lack their versatility. This provides clients with more options and leaves your facility with more space.

Bulks Up Your Wallet

These machines save money because they incorporate a number of exercise options into one machine. Therefore, there's no need to spend money on things like weight stacks. And it cuts down on the range of free weights needed.

Provides Smile Gains

The functional trainer works for beginners who are just starting a workout program as well as pro-athletes. It's even great for rehab patients. That means it keeps the wide range of people who visit your gym happy.

Everyone Earns a Gold

Because this machine uses cables, there's no limit on what a person can do. As long the user understands how to move with the cables and employ different angles, a good workout is within reach. It's not hard to figure out.

Newbies Feel Like Pros

If one of your goals is to help people start an exercise program, a functional trainer is a good way to do that. As we mentioned above, it's easy to use for just about anyone. But there's another reason it works for newbies: It's less intimidating.

The unobtrusive design, as well as the quietness, draws in those who are new to working out. There's no clanging like sometimes happens with free-weights. It doesn't demand an aggressive attitude. 

Let's Streamline Your Fitness Facility

So what are you waiting for? Get functional! Contact Rally Fitness today so we can talk about getting your fitness facility stocked with a functional trainer.